狂濤 1999 Big tide
大限外 – 42 1998 Beyond the great threshold – 42
海嘯 1998 The seaquake
天安門一年後 – 5 1990 Tienanmen, a year later – 5
漩風 – 114 1990 Tornado – 114
向無限昇華 1990 Ascension to the infinite
炁 – 198 1984 Chi – 198
無題 1983 Untitled
禅 – 143 1983 Zen – 143
涅槃妙心 1976 The splendor of Nirvana
凡夫即佛 1976 Mortal man as Buddha
法法本來法 1976 Follow the nature
素描 1954 Drawing